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Learn about the secret of the taste of crystal with pistachios

crystalline types

Learn about the secret of the taste of crystal with pistachios

Crystalised with pistachios.Crystal candy of all kinds, whether red or white, is considered one of the most delicious and delicious types of sweets of Syrian origin, as its ingredients create a special charming taste for those who taste it and take it with its magic to its own place, and it always attracts attention to it, especially with its bright colours, in addition to being included in the list of the most famous sweets in celebrations, official events and special occasions, in addition to being present in most items that are presented as a simple gift or to guests inside your home and is a proof of generosity and generosity.

The main ingredient for crystal making is kunafa, what is its history?

Kunafa in the Fatimid eraKunafa became very famous and widespread during the Fatimid era and was a dessert that was eaten throughout the year, and those who did not eat it throughout the year ate it specifically in the month of Ramadan, and since then Kunafa has been famous and closely associated with the month of Ramadan, and Kunafa was also known in the Ayyubid, Mamluk, Fatimid and Turkish eras.

 Kunafa in the era of Muhammad Ali

In the era of Muhammad Ali, the manufacture of kunafa came back again, especially after it had stopped significantly during the Fatimid era, when Muhammad Ali went to the great grandfather of Hajj Atris, who was known as the most famous kunafa in Cairo in the Sayeda Zeinab area and was called (Hajj Arafa), and he started making it and restoring it again.The old way of making kunafa The Kunafa industry in the past differed from its current industry, as in the past they used physical cones from which the dough could infiltrate on a flat sheet and it was leveled by placing the sheet on coal or firewood, and some people used to go to the Kunafa maker carrying their own ghee and sugar until he makes it for them.

Learn about pistachio crystal types

Although Crystal White and Crystal Red are similar in terms of ingredients, they differ in the way they are prepared, as well as in their colour, which can be either bright gold or shiny white. The white crystal:The name is due to its resemblance to the The crystal It consists of two thin layers of pure white kunafa with a rich pistachio filling in the middle, which adds a special charm when inserted into the ingredients of any dessert, in addition to other ingredients such as ghee, starch, flour, sugar and some powdered milk.The red crystal:As for the red crystal, it consists of the same ingredients as the white crystal, but the only difference is that the kunafa is browned in ghee until it takes on a light brown or golden reddish colour, which is why it is called the red crystal, but it has a special taste that is not similar to the white crystal, especially with the rich pistachio filling with the golden kunafa.

Popular Kunafa Shapes

Kanafeh with mangoes:Kunafa with mango: It is considered one of the most famous types of Kunafa that has spread recently and has been closely linked to the holy month of Ramadan as a gift when going to a wedding or when serving it to guests at home. It has a distinctive and excellent taste as it consists of Kunafa, sugar and mango juice. And mango pieces in addition to the basic ingredients of ghee, flour and vanilla.Nabulsi Kanafeh:It is one of the most delicious types of kunafa, which was first known in Palestine and then moved to the rest of the countries, and is considered to have the same ingredients as kunafa with cream, but without the cream and with the addition of cheese for the confectionery industry.Kanafeh with cream:It's considered a Kunafa Kanafeh, which was recently popularised in the form of thick fingers filled with cream and sometimes pistachios, consists of hair-shaped Kanafeh, powdered milk, starch, caster sugar, vanilla, cream, flour and ghee, and when the ingredients are mixed together, you can taste the most beautiful and delicious desserts.Pistachio Crystal

How to make pistachio crystal kunafa dessert

the components:
  • Powdered milk
  • Ground sugar
  • Kunafa
  • Ghee 
  • Starch
  • flour
  • The main filling is pistachios

How to prepare:

  • Pour the ghee over the kunafa and mix well.
  • Place a layer of kunafa in a tray and make sure it is well pressed.
  • Put drops of syrup or syrup on a portion of the pistachios until they are well combined.
  • Then distribute the pistachio filling over the first layer of kunafa.
  • Place a second layer of kunafa on top of the pistachios, press down and press it onto the pistachios.
  • Place the pan in a 190 degree oven for half an hour.
  • Remove the crystal from the oven and pour a layer of syrup over it, then cut it and let it cool.
In the end, one of the most popular Syrian desserts that is rich in energy and calories is the pistachio palm kunafa. Crystalline With its delicious taste and wonderful shape in terms of colour and shine, it is considered one of the easiest desserts to prepare, as it needs precision in preparation, but it is worth the time, care and effort.
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