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The benefits of pistachios

The benefits of pistachios

The benefits of pistachios

Discover the benefits of pistachios and where they come fromPistachios are considered one of the derivatives of nuts that everyone loves and agrees on, we do not find except for a few people who do not like them much, Pistachios are known in all Arab and European countries and are famous for their high price, because they are considered one of the best types of nuts, and despite this, people do not eat pistachios because they are delicious and enjoyable to eat and entertain, but they also have great health benefits; they contain many essential nutrients and have benefits for weight loss as well as for heart health and the digestive system.Pistachio HistoryIt is interesting that people have been eating pistachios since 7000 years BC, as pistachio cultivation began many centuries ago in Ain al-Tineh in the Qalamoun region, Rural Damascus, estimated to be about 1800 years old, and which still bears fruits, even one of them has a stem with a circumference of about 11 meters high, and the pistachio tree is a tree known since the era of the Assyrians, and its origin goes back to the birch tree, which is found in the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East.The pistachio tree's native habitatPistachios are not mentioned without Morek, a small village famous for its cultivation until it became the largest producer of pistachios in Syria, which is about thirty kilometres north of Hama city, with an area of about 68,000 dunums completely planted with pistachio trees, so it is the first village in the world that specialises in cultivating the entire area with one type of agriculture, pistachio trees.Pistachio Health Benefits
  • Pistachios help you lose weight: When consumed in small quantities, pistachios help to reduce excess body weight, as they are rich in fibre and proteins, so eating them increases satiety and reduces appetite.
  • Helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol Pistachios are rich in antioxidants, and scientists have found after conducting many studies that pistachios are more effective than other types of nuts in lowering blood pressure, so pistachios are one of the best foods to recommend for blood pressure patients.
  • Pistachios regulate blood sugar level. Pistachios do not cause a spike in blood sugar levels when consumed, but rather help to lower them.
  • Pistachios promote beneficial bacteria in the intestine Pistachios contain a large amount of fibre, and while some of it moves through the digestive tract to be excreted, others are digested by beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Pistachios have antioxidants: Antioxidants are one of the most important elements needed for human health, as they work to..:
  • Reduces the possibility of cancer.
  • Reduce cell damage.
  • Delays the appearance of signs of aging.
  • Improves eye health and prevents various eye diseases: Pistachios contain lutein, which is one of the most important elements in maintaining eye health.
  • Treats erectile dysfunction.
  • Improves the health of the nervous system.
  • Promotes healthy and supple skin.
  • Pistachios help protect the heart: Pistachios contain polyphenols that protect the heart from various diseases.
  • One tablespoon of pistachios is packed with vitamins and nutrients, containing 12g of fat, 8g of carbohydrates, 6g of protein and 3g of fibre, in addition to the 3% of vitamin E and 8% of magnesium that the body needs on a daily basis.
Discover the different types of pistachiosPistachio varieties vary according to the country in which they are grown, and the shape of each variety varies from one type to another:Pistachios:It is cultivated in Syria, which is its original home, where pistachios constitute about 85 percent of the cultivated fields in Syria. Its seeds have the ability to germinate quickly.Alami pistachio: It is one of the names of the types of pistachios that are cultivated in Syria, and it constitutes about 8 percent of the fields in Syria, and its name is Arabic.Azure pistachio:It is cultivated in the Aleppo region and constitutes 7 percent of the cultivated fields in Syria.Turkish pistachio:Its origin and homeland is in Turkey, and it is exported from there to many countries, and Turkey is the main supplier of imported pistachios in the United States.California pistachios:California is the only country that produces pistachios on a large commercial scale, as its production reaches about 150,000 tonnes per year, and despite its large size and wonderful shape, it is tasteless, so importers there rely on Turkish and Iranian pistachios due to their delicious and different taste.Iranian pistachios:Pistachio Fandogy: This variety is the most widespread pistachio and grows in most of the pistachio-growing regions of Iran.Calais Kochi Pistachio: This variety of pistachios is famous for its large size, and it is harvested in mid-September.Pistachios: This type is of the highest economic value. Its fruits are large and almond-shaped. They can be harvested in late September.In the end, pistachios are one of the types of nuts that no two people disagree on, and people always agree about them because of the benefits they have for the health of the body and the fibres and nutrients they contain, in addition to being one of the most delicious and tasty types of nuts that we always find in family gatherings, family gatherings and evenings. 
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