Showing 193–204 of 235 results

Cilantro 250 g

Coriander is used in various dishes to add a distinctive flavor, as it can be freshly ground when needed or used as is in some recipes, such as Indian and Arabic cuisine.

Ground coriander 250 g

Ground coriander is an essential spice in the kitchen, used to add a warm and aromatic flavor to various dishes. Add it to stews, sauces, meat marinades, and Indian and Arabic dishes to give them a distinctive flavor.

Cumin 250g

Cumin is used to impart a strong natural flavor to various dishes. It is added to oriental cuisine, grills, and baked goods, and can be freshly ground when needed for a more concentrated flavor.

Ground cumin 250g

Ground cumin imparts a strong aromatic flavor to dishes and is used in oriental cuisine, sauces, stews, stews, and roasts. It is characterized by its rich aroma that enhances the taste of food.

كمون وليمون العطار

Enjoy a unique experience with الكمون والليمون من العطار، المزيج الطبيعي المثالي الذي يجمع بين فوائد الكمون المعروفة في تحسين الهضم وتعزيز الصحة، ونكهة الليمون المنعشة والغنية بفيتامين C. مشروب رائع للاستمتاع به دافئًا بعد الوجبات أو في أي وقت من اليوم.

Natural male colostrum - available in high quality

Enjoy the warm and woody scent of natural male frankincense in high quality, to perfume your home or care for your skin with multiple aromatic and healthy properties.

Natural salted almonds 500g

Enjoy the balanced salted taste with salted almonds. Perfect to enjoy anytime and to share with friends and family.

finely salted almonds - 500g

Enjoy the crunchy taste of almonds, carefully salted for a delicious and nutritious experience in every bite. Almonds are roasted using advanced techniques to preserve their rich, natural flavor, making them an ideal choice for entertaining or as a nutritious snack anytime.

Dried green lomi 150g

A unique citrus flavor that adds a great twist to your dishes! Enjoy the distinctive taste of dried green lomi, which is widely used in cooking to give dishes a savory and mildly acidic taste. Ideal for both Eastern and Western recipes, it is a great addition to soups, rice, grills, and seafood.

Dried black lomi 150g

A rich and distinctive flavor for your dishes! Dried black lomi is a staple spice in Arabic and Gulf cuisine, used to impart a smoky, sour flavor to foods. It has a strong flavor that enhances the flavor of rice, soups, and grilled meats.

ماتيه بيبوري الأرجنتيني الأصلي – 250غ

Enjoy the experience of الماتيه الأرجنتيني الأصلي with بيبوري، المشروب التقليدي الغني بالمذاق الفريد والفوائد الصحية. يتم تحضير من أوراق يربا ماتيه الطبيعية المجففة والمحفوظة بعناية ليمنحك نكهة عميقة وطاقة متجددة في كل رشفة.

Arabic Majlis, a perfect gift for heritage lovers

Enjoy the atmosphere of authenticity with this unique miniature wooden furniture set.