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Ghuraiba from Sanabel

Al Gharibiya by Sanabel

Ghuraiba from Sanabel

Ghuraiba from Sanabel

Assalamu alaikum, O Khawanem and Bakwat

Today we are going to tell you a story about a very delicious and cute story, the story is about a sweet dessert that is a friend for all times, the soft egg that is loved by young and old.

The story, ladies and gentlemen, is about unforgettable sweet treats to eat, and I think from the description, most of you know what food we are talking about, and you can guess that our story today is about the exotic food that makes your heart sing.



In the time of the Mamluk era, when the halonji were the masters of their time, the halonji would present the most beautiful ideas and offer the most delicious desserts to the sultans and ministers, And one day, one night, a good halonji came to the Sultan's soiree and they served a dish, and not all dishes were shaped like Lanchaaf, not in reality or even in dreams, rounded and spoilt pieces with pistachios, decorated in front of Shaw Dalal, and lined with small white circles, each piece is like the 14th Badr and like a mosaic painting, and the view was something delicious, O Salaam, the sight was delicious.

They tasted it and it was truly out of this world, tasty, delicious and heart-warming.

It's also known as the "Griba," which means "strange" in Arabic, and it's a slang term for "strange.

That's why I have a soul, a strange food, and a peaceful mind.

A single piece of Ghribiya contains the following nutritional information

 Calories: 179
 Fat: 13
 Saturated fats: 2
 Cholesterol: 0
 Carbohydrates: 15
 Proteins: 1

Sanabel Sweets is a story of authenticity, tradition and kindness.

We imagine the stranger to be a soft Adisha with a soft dubbed duban.
And the sugar in it is high in libra.
Pistachio Extra and Tamam
And peace be upon Sanabel Sweets.


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