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Maamoul from Sanabel

Maamoul from Sanabel

Maamoul from Sanabel
You need to feel something special. The smell of sweetness. The flavour that is always more delicious than before. And the feeling that it's always a feast to savour our sweets, Snapple. How can love be summed up? It can be summed up in 3 letters, and it can be summed up with a bite of Sanabel's dessert

Snapple Maamoul

The sweetest hospitality, pistachio pastry with a cup of coffee With a taste of warmth and love, the family had a cup of coffee, a ritual and a story...originality is a story told by our sweets and desserts. Sanabel's Maamoul is made with the best and most delicious ingredients.Maamoul is a popular dessert in Syria that is usually filled with dates or nuts such as walnuts or pistachios.Maamoul is an ancient food with a long history, as the carvings that the maamoul bean bears in the past are nothing more than a drawing of the sun, which was known to our ancestors.Nowadays, maamoul has evolved and diversified to include new types and shapes, such as the traditional date maamoul, which is the most common and popular, as well as walnut and pistachio maamoul. While maamoul used to be made at home, where women used to gather to make it, many families now rely on buying it ready-made due to the development of society and the limited scope of knowledge, in addition to time constraints.That's why Sanabel Sweets welcomes customers with the most delicious Damascene maamouls.Because when you love someone with your heart what you say with your love, treat them to Sanabel's Maamoul.A light, fluffy morsel for dessert Spiced with love and pampered.

Sanabel Maamoul Nutritional Value

- Date Maamoul: Each medium-sized disc contains 230 calories. 11 g fat 30 g of carbohydrates and 3g of protein. Maamoul with walnuts: Each disc provides 150 calories. 8 g fat. 16 g of carbohydrates. 2 g protein. Pistachio Maamoul: Each tablet contains 210 calories 14g fat. 18 g of carbohydrates. 5g protein.
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