Showing 1–12 of 20 results

Chamomile Flowers - From Attar

Enjoy the benefits of nature with Chamomile flowers Presented by Attar. This product is made from the finest dried chamomile known for its multiple health benefits and unique aromatic flavor. Chamomile is the perfect choice for those seeking comfort and relaxation, especially at the end of a long day.

حمض الليمون 250غ

يُستخدم حمض الليمون كمكون طبيعي لمنح الأطعمة نكهة حامضة متوازنة. يُضاف إلى العصائر، الحلويات، الصلصات، والمأكولات البحرية، كما يُستخدم في بعض الوصفات لحفظ الطعام وإطالة فترة صلاحيته.

Lebanese Flowers - From Attar

Indulge your senses with an immersive experience with Lebanese flowers from the perfumer.

Seven spices 250g

Give your dishes a distinctive flavor with our well-balanced Seven Spice Blend, made from the finest, carefully selected spices. This blend contains a perfect blend of essential spices that give your dishes a rich and harmonious taste. It is used for marinating meat and poultry, as well as adding great flavor to rice, stews and various oriental dishes.

سماق مطحون 250غ

يُعد سماق مطحون من التوابل الأساسية في المطبخ الشرقي، حيث يُستخدم لإضفاء نكهة حمضية طبيعية على الأطعمة. يُضاف إلى المشاوي، السلطات، الزعتر، والتبولة ليمنحها مذاقًا لذيذًا ومميزًا.

Saffron Green Tea - from Attar

Combine flavor and health benefits with Saffron Green Tea From the perfumer. With a balanced blend of pure green tea flavor and a touch of luxurious saffron, this product is the perfect choice for tea lovers.

Black Pepper 250g

Add a rich and spicy flavor to your meals with Black Pepper Kernel, which is characterized by its high quality and strong flavor. It can be freshly ground when needed for a more concentrated flavor, making it ideal for various dishes such as meats, sauces, soups and marinades.

Ground black pepper 250 g

Ground black pepper is an essential spice in every kitchen, used to add a spicy and distinctive flavor to foods. Add it to meats, sauces, soups, and many recipes to enhance the flavor.

فليفلة حارة مطحونة 250غ

لإضافة حرارة ونكهة قوية إلى أطباقك، تأتي فليفلة حارة مطحونة المصنوعة من أجود أنواع الفلفل المجفف. تُستخدم في تحضير الصلصات، اليخنات، المشاوي، والمأكولات الحارة المختلفة لإضفاء لمسة حارة شهية.

Ground bell pepper 250g

Ground bell peppers add bright color and rich flavor to dishes and are used in sauces, stews, meat marinades, and many oriental dishes.

Cinnamon - from Attar

تمتع بنكهة ورائحة القرفة الدافئة مع منتج قرفة من العطار، المصنوع من أجود أنواع القرفة الطبيعية.

Cilantro 250 g

Coriander is used in various dishes to add a distinctive flavor, as it can be freshly ground when needed or used as is in some recipes, such as Indian and Arabic cuisine.